I am a wife and a mom of five boys. I am passionate about my faith, my family and all things birth (the latter being a sometimes humorous thing in a house full of boys)!
I am a Certified DONA Birth Doula, a Certified Lactation Counselor and Certified Hypno Doula.
My journey to becoming a Doula is a long one...20-some years in the making. I have been fascinated by pregnancy and birth since childhood. I was the kid who wanted to hold all the babies and ask a million questions about pregnancy and breastfeeding. As a teen/young adult, I read everything I could get my hands on (this was pre internet...haha). I supported my first birth in August 1999 and I was truly in awe.
I had always dreamed of becoming a Labor & Delivery nurse, but life has a way of changing your plans. In the years of my own pregnancies, infertility, loss and more pregnancies, I only grew more interested in the way women's bodies work and all things birth related.
A few years ago, a friend casually asked me a loaded question: "If you could do anything you wanted as a career, money and time not being an issue, what would it be?" I thought about it for only a minute. She then asked how I could use who I am today and the skills I have to get there...and so the journey began for me to take the first steps in becoming a DONA certified Doula.
Today, I am even more passionate about birth than before. The more I know, the more I want to know. I am constantly looking for ways to learn more and add to my knowledge base so I can better help, support and educate others.
I'd love to talk more with you and answer any further questions you many have. If you'd like a FREE consultation, click here to fill out the form and I'll get back to you quickly.
My first birth in 1999

Still loving it today!